HiPC International Conference On High Performance Computing
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Advance registration is now closed. The forms provided are only for the convenience of participants registering after the close of advance registration.

You can pay the on-site fee online using the online conference registration form. Please make sure your credit card can be charged in US Dollars.

If you wish to mail-in your payment of the on-site registration fee (cheque/DD/credit card), please download a printable copy of the conference registration form.

You can also register on-site for the same fee by using Cheque/DD/Credit Card.

If you have any questions about registration, feel free to mail the HiPC2004 registration chair, Susamma Barua.

Note to IFIP members: Reduced registration fee available to IEEE and ACM members are also available to the IFIP members. Please provide the page number in the latest IFIP Information Bulletin (PDF) where your name is listed as an IFIP member, in the "IEEE/ACM Membership Number" box in the registration form. If you are an IFIP member and are having any problems registering for HiPC 2004, please feel free to contact the IFIP Working Group 10.3 (Concurrent Systems) Chair Dr. Kemal Ebcioglu for help.