HiPC 2014 is introducing a new session format, referred to as Academic BoFs. It is intended foster greater participation by the academic community, both domestic and international. Academic BoFs complements the main conference technical program that has peer-reviewed papers. It is expected that successful academic BoFs will advance to a full workshop format in subsequent years.
Academic BoFs focus on emerging areas of interest, where discussion among HiPC participants will help stimulate new research ideas, address specific problems, and build a research community. The BoF session format is flexible and left to the decision of the organizers, though sessions that actively engage with the participants are encouraged.
As of this posting, five Academic BoF sessions are planned for , Day 1 of the conference. All HiPC 2014 registered attendees are invited and encouraged to attend any and all of the BoF sessions. The information below is to help attendees determine areas of interest and to plan their participation.