HiPC International Conference On High Performance Computing
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HiPC 2003 - Bangalore, India - December 17-20
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Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Paper submission is closed

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Contributed Papers
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate current research in all areas of high performance computing including design and analysis of parallel and distributed systems, and embedded systems, and their applications in scientific, engineering, and commercial areas.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Wireless and Mobile Computing
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Communication Networks and Sensor Networks
  • Heterogeneous Computing
  • Web-based Meta/Grid/P2P Computing
  • Network- and Cluster-based Computing
  • Scalable Servers and System Area Networks
  • Embedded Applications and Systems
  • Scientific/Engineering Applications
  • Network Processor and Router Architectures
  • Commercial Applications and Workloads
  • Scalable and Latency-tolerant Algorithms
  • High-speed Networks and Interconnection Networks
  • Parallel Languages and Programming Environments
  • Power-Efficient and Reconfigurable Architectures
  • EPIC Compilers and Software Support for ILP and TLP
  • Superscalar, Speculative, VLIW, and SMT Microarchitectures
  • Operating Systems for Scalable and High-performance Computing
  • Compiler Technology for Power-aware and High-performance Computing

Submitted manuscripts may not exceed 15 double-spaced pages of text using 12 point size type on 8.5 x 11 inch pages with margins of at least 1 inch on each of the four sides. References, figures, tables, etc. may be included in addition to the fifteen pages of text. Authors should submit a correct PostScript (level 2) fileof their paper to be considered and make sure that the PostScript file will print on a PostScript printer that uses 8.5 x 11 inch size (letter size) paper. The official language of the meeting is English.

Manuscript submission procedures are available over the Web at http://www.hipc.org/. Electronic submissions must be in the form of a readable postscript file. Authors unable to submit over the web can send an e-mail message to [email protected] containing the following header information in ASCII form: title, author name(s) and affiliation, abstract, keywords or topic area, postal address, e-mail address, and telephone and fax numbers. The header (in ASCII) should be followed by the PostScript version of the complete manuscript (including title, author names, affiliation, and abstract). The subject line of the email should include either one of the topic areas for the paper as given above or 5-10 keywords for the paper.

Hard copy submissions are permitted but electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. Like electronic submissions, hard copy submissions must be received by May 2, 2003. Please send six copies of the manuscript to the Program Chair. Fax submissions will not be considered.

Manuscripts must be received by May 2, 2003. All manuscripts will be reviewed. Submitted papers must not be currently under review for any other publication. Submissions received after the due date or exceeding the length limit may not be considered. Notification of review decisions will be mailed by July 10, 2003. Camera-ready papers are due August 15, 2003. Proceedings will be available at the conference and also on the Web after the conference.

Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Computers to be published in 2004.

Program Chair
Timothy Pinkston, University of Southern California
Department of EE-Systems
3740, McClintock Ave., EEB 208
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
Internet: [email protected]

Program Vice-Chairs

  • Algorithms
    Yuanyuan Yang, State University of New York at Stony Brook
  • Applications
    Xiaodong Zhang, National Science Foundation
  • Architecture
    Rajiv Gupta, University of Arizona
  • Communication Networks
    Stephan Olariu, Old Dominion University
  • Systems Software
    Jose E. Moreira, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Proposals are solicited for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference. Interested individuals should submit a proposal by June 03, 2002 to the Workshops Chair. For additional details and submission procedure visit http://www.hipc.org/hipc2003

Proposals are solicited for tutorials to be held at the meeting. Interested individuals should submit a proposal by May 15, 2003 to the Tutorials Chair. The proposal should include a brief description of the intended audience, a lecture outline, and a vita for each lecturer.

Poster/Presentation Session
In addition to the contributed papers session, a plenary poster/presentation session emphasizing novel applications of high performance computing is planned. It will offer brief presentation time for each poster and will be followed by a "walk-up and talk" setting. To be considered, send a 5 page summary of your work to the Poster/Presentation Chair by October 2, 2003. For additional details contact the Poster/Presentation Chair. For additional details visit http://www.hipc.org/hipc2003

Best Paper Awards
These awards, sponsored by Infosys, will be given to outstanding contributed papers in the Systems area and in the Algorithms and Applications area.