HiPC International Conference On High Performance Computing
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HiPC 2003 - Bangalore, India - December 17-20
Advance Program
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Poster/Presentation Session
Information for India-Based Participants
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Sight Seeing Tour
Conference Organization
Call for Papers

Poster Session

In addition to the contributed papers session, a plenary poster/presentation session emphasizing novel applications of high performance computing is scheduled on Dec. 19, 2003 from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. It will offer brief presentation time for each poster and will be followed by a "walk-up and talk" setting. To be considered, send a 5 page summary of your work to the Poster/Presentation Chair by October 2, 2003. For additional details contact the Poster/Presentation Chair.

Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings to be published on the Web. However, these will not appear in the hard copy proceedings of the meeting.


click here for the list of selected posters.